Several weeks ago, we took a jump up to the 30,000-ft level for an overview of coping skills. We discussed how thinking, emotions, and behavior all affect each other. Then we examined some specific thinking skills, emotion regulation skills, and behaviors, and how we can use them. Now it’s time to …
Behavior and Emotion
Behavior ties in with emotion because emotions come with an urge to act. Behavior is sometimes a direct expression of emotion. If we are skilled enough at emotion regulation to take the critical pause, label our emotion, and choose our behavior, it can be a modulated expression of emotion. But does …
Thinking and Behavior
The diagram in our previous post, Behavior, shows how behavior can affect thoughts, and how thoughts can affect behavior. Let’s start by looking at how thoughts can affect behavior. We mentioned the RAI strategy – Reflect As If. This involves reflecting (thinking) on the person we would like to be, …
In a previous post Next Up: Feelings, we used this diagram to illustrate how thoughts and feelings influence behavior, and how behavior also influences thoughts and feelings. What do we mean by behavior, as it relates to emotions and thinking? Behavior can be a direct expression of an emotion, …
More Emotion Management
Emotional self-regulation is defined on the Crisis Prevention Institute Blog as “the ability to monitor and manage our own behavior. With self-regulation, we can calm ourselves down when we’re distressed, and pick ourselves up when we’re low.” Successful management of our emotions does not …
Emotion ID
Emotions come in many flavors and sizes. Sometimes we begin teaching children four basic emotions: mad, sad, glad, and hurt. On the other end of the spectrum, Live Bold & Bloom undertakes to list 400 “emotion words” – names of emotions, or adjectives describing the emotions. Some emotions are …
Next Up: Feelings
We are complex beings. Many parts of us interact to produce “who we are” or “what we do” or “how we feel”. There are also many areas where we can intervene in these interactions to bring more satisfying outcomes. The more we observe ourselves and the greater awareness we have of our own inner …
Coping Skills Overview
As you’ve seen in the past weeks’ posts, there are a great many coping skills available to us to deal with the demands and challenges of life. Let’s jump up to the 30,000-foot view to categorize some of these. We are complex beings, with thoughts, emotions and behaviors all working together. Our …